Wholesale Nursery
Wholesale Nursery
For immediate access to our complete wholesale nursery list, including sizes and types, please fill out this quick form.
Wholesale Nursery FAQ
You will be notified when your order is ready. Please pick up your orders within 7 days of notification. To facilitate faster loading please contact us at least 24 hours in advance of pickup. For plant material not picked up within the 7-day period, a maintenance charge of 10% of the invoice amount per month will be assessed. Several days after notification of completion, it is the option of Poul’s Nursery to sell the plant material not picked up.
Pick-up hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Customers are responsible for supplying their own blocks, tarps, and ropes to secure their loads. We will charge for all materials that we must supply for this purpose.
Net 30 days from the date of invoice available to customers with established credit. Otherwise, terms are net cash upon pickup of stock. On accounts overdue, interest will be charged at the rate of 1-1/2% per month amounting to 18% per annum. Customers who have not established a credit account and wish to purchase stock must pay a 25% deposit prior to an order being dug with the final payment made in full prior to loading. Late fall digs (October 1st) require a 50% deposit. Payment must be made in full prior to loading. (Note: Please supply us with your Illinois sales tax exemption number, otherwise we will add sales tax to your invoice.)
Pay with a Credit Card (3.5% transaction fee)
Pay with a Debit Card or ACH (no transaction fee)
Pay by check (no transaction fee)
Please contact Alan Kjeldbjerg directly for current wholesale industry purchaser pricing.
If you are not a wholesale client, please contact Poul’s Landscaping & Nursery to discuss tree installation pricing.
All plants are B&B and conform to the American Standard for Nursery Stock.